Hypatia image Hypatia 2023, 40th Anniversary

Epistemic Injustice and its Aftermath

University of Oregon, Global Scholars Hall, Room 103

1. Applying Feminist Conceptions of Epistemic Injustice to the Philosophical Foundations of Social Science Research Design (Presence O’Neal, University of Oregon)
2. Epistemic Jet Lag (Yingshihan Zhu, CUNY)
3. Learning to Listen: (Im)possibilities of Trust and Witness in the Aftermath of Sexual Violence (Sarah Lee, University of Memphis)

Presented by

Presence O'Neal
Doctoral Student
University of Oregon
Applying Feminist Conceptions of Epistemic Injustice to the Philosophical Foundations of Social Science Research Design

Yingshihan (Shihan) Zhu
Epistemic Jet Lag
CUNY, the Graduate Center
Epistemic Jet Lag

Sarah Lee
PhD student
University of Memphis
Learning to Listen: (Im)possibilities of Trust and Witness in the Aftermath of Sexual Violence