
NOTE: Registration will close July 10th.

Welcome to the 2024 I/DD Case Management Conference!

The Oregon Office of Developmental Disabilities Services is excited to host this annual event at The Salem Convention Center this year.

We welcome everyone employed by a I/DD Case Management Entity in Oregon (Community Developmental Disabilities Program or Brokerage) as well as the Office of Developmental Disabilities Services staff to register and attend this event! ODDS staff may need approval from their manager to attend.

When you register, you will be asked for any accommodation needs you might have.


When you register, there will be an option to choose hosting a resource table for your organization. We will follow up with everyone who would like to host a table at this year’s event, but our table space is limited so we may not be able to accommodate everyone. Please consider collaborating with others also wanting to host a table if needed.


We need volunteers! During registration, you will have an option to select if you would like to help our event by volunteering to help moderate sessions or do other things. We would love your participation and need lots of help to make this conference a big success!

NOTE: Registration will close July 10th.