About Us
We are so happy to welcome you to the 2024 I/DD Case Management Conference! A lot has happened since we last got to all come together and connect.
This year brings a lot of new things to try and memories to make! Our two days will be filled with learning, engagement, and making connections that last all year.
Here are a few special highlights of this year’s conference:
- New location! We are at The Salem Convention Center for the first time, sessions will all be held in the same building.
- Lunch will be a grab and go so it will be fast and easy to grab a sandwich or salad.
- You won’t be bored - we have more than 60 presentations to choose from across a wide range of topics, including many led by self-advocates, families, and more
- DJ Lamar will have you dancing during our early evening reception on July 24th with hors d'oeuvres and cash bar - come and unwind after a full day of learning
- Sometimes, events can get overwhelming! With this in mind, we will have a room in the convention center dedicated to sensory supports to help folks decompress during the conference. Croisan A is the Calm Space.
- We invite you to visit with many organizations who are hosting exhibitor tables - collect some swag and find resources to help you in your work or life
- Try your luck with Human Bingo and the Scavenger Hunt, or doodle with some sidewalk chalk to have fun and connect with others!
… and much more!
We are excited to welcome everyone on July 24-25, 2024 to connect, share, and learn together.
See you in Salem!
Your 2024 I/DD Case Management Conference Planning Committee

A big THANK YOU to our awesome conference team!
- Aniko Adany, ODDS - Committee lead
- Andrea Muzikant, ODDS Training Team
- Mikelle Duke, ODDS Training Team
- Elizabeth Obendorf, ODDS Training Team
- Mike Etzel, ODDS Training Team
- Naomi Alora, ODDS Training Team
- Susie Strand, ODDS Training Team
- Jennifer Kelley, ODDS Training Team
- Sierra Hicks, ODDS Training Team
- Erica Nolin, ODDS Training Team
- Gabrielle Guedon, OSAC
- John Merrick, Self-Advocate
- Bekah Mathis, Klamath County CDDP
- Carrie Salehiamin, ODDS Policy Team
- Cheyenne Ocampo, Washington County CDDP
- Gabrielle Guedon, OSAC
- Heather Collins, EOSSB
- John Evans, Community Pathways
- Julie Huber, ODDS Employment
- Katie Hertel, Washington County CDDP
- Kimberly Leos, Lifeways
- Lindsay Dutton, The Arc Oregon OTAC
- Lisa Tyler, ODDS Children’s Team
- McKenna Davis, Washington County CDDP
- Melanie Tucker, EOSSB
- Natasha Wentworth, Washington County CDDP
- Patrick Rosario , ODDS
- Rachel Nale, Polk County CDDP
- Ryan Schaefer, UCP
- Ryley Newport, ODDS
- Tammorra Barnes, Multnomah CDDP
- Linda Darr, ODDS
- Casey Roach, ODDS
- Jackie Hanrahan, Multnomah County
- Glenda Hayes, UCP Connections
- Marie Hill, ODHS
- Meghan Melancon, Creative Supports
- Emily Terry, ODDS
- Christine Kamps, ODHS
- Carrie Forty, ODDS
- Leona Enright, ODHS - Office of Tribal Affairs
- Jennie Heidrick, The Arc Oregon OTAC
- Melissa Willey, ODDS
- Nadine Younger, RCO
- Katie LaRive, Jackson County
- Emily Bunker, The Arc Oregon OTAC
- Crystal Foster, ODDS
- John Osborn, Community Pathways
- Kristen Hutchinson, Lane County DDS
- Kristen Sybrandt, Inclusion Inc.
- Jennifer Buss, The Arc Oregon OTAC
- Deanna Herrera, ODDS
- Mark Lukasik
- Cecilia Silcox, Connection CM
- Brittany Porter, Inclusion Inc
- Stephanie Stoker, GOISN
- Kat Parker, Inclusion Inc.
- John Merrick, Self-Advocate
Much gratitude to our many amazing volunteers who helped make this year’s conference possible!