Corrine Occhino
University of Texas at Austin
Corrine Occhino is an Assistant Professor of Linguistics at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research focuses on how our experiences with language and with our communities shape the organization and processing of language. She has published articles on language experience and iconicity effects in language processing and on how our construal of visual objects/events in the world, shapes phonology in signed languages. Current projects include the documentation of sociolinguistic variation across diverse groups of signers of American Sign Language (ASL) and describing the phonological processes active in 'one-handed signing' In an online corpus of ASL. In addition to her work on ASL, Corrine collaborates on projects related to the phonological and lexical description of Libras (Brazilian Sign Language), the perception of iconicity and lexical processing in Norwegian and Russian Sign Language, and on computer-vision approaches to sub-lexical feature categorization of signs in Nicaraguan Sign Language.