Frequently Asked Questions


When will registration open? February 10, 2025.

What is the deadline to register for the Institute?

Registration Rate Pricing Deadlines and Final Deadlines

  • June 15, 2025: Regular rate pricing deadline: Term 1, Both Terms and Term 2
  • June 16, 2025: Late rate * pricing starts for Term 1, Both Terms and Term 2
  • July 2, 2025: Final deadline to register for Term 1 or Both Terms
  • July 20, 2025: Final deadline to register for Term 2

* A 20% additional fee will be added the Institute registration fee for the late registrations starting June 16, 2025.

Visit the Registration page for full details.

Can I apply for fellowships without registering? Yes; in fact you should do so.

Who can register to attend the LSA Linguistics Summer Institute? The Institute is open to everyone, however courses will presuppose some foundational knowledge in linguistics. We encourage advanced linguistics undergraduates and graduate students to attend as well as professors and non-academic linguistics professionals. Participants must be 18 or older.

Do I have to be an LSA member to attend the Institute? No, you do not need to be an LSA member to attend, but you do need to be a member to apply for a fellowship.

How much does registration cost? The cost of tuition will be approximately $1600 for 2.5 weeks and $2500 for 5 weeks. Housing and meals are at an additional cost.

How do I register for housing and meals? You can register for housing and meals at the time of registering for the Institute through the same system.

Do I have to pay during registration? Yes, you have to pay when you register; unless you have received a fellowship. Students who have received fellowships will receive single-use codes to register for free.

What if I’m an international student? If you are an international student, you might need a VISA to travel to the U.S. and attend the Institute. Read more about what VISA you should apply for on this page.

What if my plans change and I can no longer attend the Institute after I have paid? In the event of an emergency, cancellation requests will only be considered on a case-by-case basis and are not guaranteed. A written request must be submitted to no later than June 28, 2025 for consideration. Cancellation of participation to the 2025 Linguistic Summer Institute, and any associated refund of payments, are granted at the sole discretion of the 2025 Linguistic Summer Institute.

What is the difference between registering as a student and registering as a non-student? The only difference is the price of tuition.

What is the deadline for registering for housing? The deadline for registering for housing is June 15, 2025.

How do I become an LSA member or renew my membership? You can join the LSA or renew your LSA membership on the LSA’s website:


When are classes held? The courses will take place in either the first half-term, July 7 — 22, the second half-term, July 24 — August 8, or both terms, July 7 — August 8. Each class will meet for 80 minutes twice a week, either on Monday & Thursday or on Tuesday & Friday. Wednesdays will host tutorials, workshops and round tables. Weekends will host co-located conferences.

How many classes should I take? It is possible to register for one class per time slot (approx. 8 classes per term). However, we recommend registering for no more than four (4) classes per term to allow time to complete homework and take advantage of other activities during the Institute.

Will these courses be transferable to my home institution? Most likely they will not, though it depends on your home institution’s policies. The LSA Institute is not a credit-bearing institution so these courses will not count for college credit. You will, however, receive a certificate at the end of the Institute listing the courses you completed.

What does it mean if a course is listed as taking place in Both Terms? Courses listed as taking place in Both Terms are 5-week courses that will meet for the duration of the Institute (at least 10 meetings). This is as opposed to courses listed as either Term 1 or Term 2, which will meet for 2.5 weeks (5 meetings) only.


See Accommodations and Meals for more details. The registration and housing purchase will open on February 10, 2025.

What accommodation is available?
Single and double dormitory rooms with shared bathrooms are available within a short walk from the event venue. While the specific dorm location is being finalized, it will be similar in location and design to this one:

What meal plans are available?
The meal plan included in the Room and Board package offers three all-you-care-to-eat meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) at an on-campus summer dining venue. Attendees may also choose a Room-only option and purchase individual meals à la carte.

See Accommodations and Meals for more details.

Course Materials and Canvas

Where are the course materials? All course materials are available on Canvas. You will need to register for a course to access the materials for the course on Canvas

Who has access to the course materials for a course? During the Institute, those who have registered for it. After the Institute, some course materials will be freely available on OSF.

Are there options to attend the Institute remotely? No. The Institute is an in-person event.

Conferences, Workshops and Other Events

Do I need to register to attend a conference or workshop? Yes, so that the organizers can determine the number of people attending an event and therefore the needs for rooms and catering.

Where do I register for a conference or workshop? On the website for the event. These websites are not maintained by the LSA Institute. Wednesday workshops will be listed in December 2024. Co-located conferences will be updated as we receive information.

Do I have to pay to attend a conference or workshop? No. Co-located conferences and workshops are included in your registration fee as an Institute student. However, you will still need to register so that organizers can estimate how many people are coming to an event and what the room needs are.

Who do I contact about a conference or workshop? The organizers of that event. The Institute staff may not have all the details.


See Excursions to see what excursions are available and for more details.


Information coming soon