Ableism: What is it, How it impacts our lives and services, and how to address it

Ableism is a spectrum - it doesn't have to be slurs to be ableism, it can be outdated language like high function/low functioning. Come learn about the spectrum of ableism, the impacts this has on someone's life, supports and services and learn some strategies on how to address it.

EMU, EMU Ballroom
Classroom/lecture w Facilitated Conversation
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access
All ages

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Presented by


Fengxian Balthazaar

Self Advocates Taking Action

Self Advocates Taking Action

I’m 院 凤仙 Fèngxiān Yuàn I’m a 27 year old transracial Chinese adoptee. I was adopted from Nanning, China @ the age of 20 months. I’m also a Special Olympic Oregon Athlete. In the summer of 2022 I was chosen to compete @ the 2022 Special Olympics USA Games in Orlando, Florida. I brought home a silver medal & 2 fourth place ribbons. I graduated from the Career & Community Studies Program @ Portland State University in June of 2020. I enjoy cake decorating hanging out with my friends, going to social events such as Club Impact & Off the Couch.


John Merrick-Russell


Community Concept

As an advocate for disabilities and for self-determination: I am very blessed to those who've supported these goals.

I am excited to see and hear from you at this conference as we move forward in our independent lives.

Where I've taken these types of services much later in my life: Pg3 has more Information as a child and one on one care:

Thanks for your time and efforts, John Merrick-Russell


EMU, EMU Ballroom
Classroom/lecture w Facilitated Conversation
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Access
All ages

Scroll down to view handouts.