
Social Sentinel for the second year is a major sponsor of the Leave No Victim Behind conference series. Their commitment to safety and community is not only demonstrated in their product but in their willingness to be a part of something that truly makes a difference. Consistent with our theme of community and serving others we are grateful to have Social Sentinel as our partner.
Building a Social Safety Net - How threat alerts can bring clarity to social media activity and help keep schools safe
Conference Sponsors
Title Conference Sponsor at $10,000.00
Will be prominently featured in all marketing materials both print and online as the main conference supporter/partner. This Title Sponsor will receive the following:
- Featured as a main conference sponsor in all media
- Includes logo on all printed materials
- Featured in all press releases
- Featured in all online media
- Announced in opening remarks
- Corporate style display in main conference area
- Audio/video public service announcement (PSA) featured once per day in main conference area
- Recognized/awarded on last day of conference as Gold/Title Sponsor supporting community and victim needs
- Featured Exhibitor all three days
- Featured at theatrical presentation of “Seven” as hosting dinner
- 10 Conference Registrations
Signature Sponsor at $5,000.00
- Featured as a Silver/Signature conference sponsor in all media
- Includes logo on all printed materials
- Featured in all press releases
- Featured in all online media
- Announced in opening remarks
- Recognized/awarded on last day of conference as Silver/Signature Sponsor supporting community and victim needs
- Featured Exhibitor all three days
- 5 Conference Registrations
Special Event Sponsor at $2,500.00
- Featured as a Community conference sponsor hosting a lunch or breakfast in all media
- Includes logo on all printed materials
- Featured in all press releases
- Featured in all online media
- Announced in opening remarks
- Recognized/awarded on last day of conference as Bronze/Community supporting community and victim needs
- Complimentary Exhibit Table
- 3 Conference Registrations
Community Meal Sponsor at $2,500.00
- Featured as a Community conference sponsor hosting a lunch or breakfast in all media
- Includes logo on all printed materials
- Featured in all press releases
- Featured in all online media
- Announced in opening remarks
- Recognized/awarded on last day of conference as Bronze/Community supporting community and victim needs
- Complimentary Exhibit Table
- 3 Conference Registrations
For conference information please contact the following:
Matthew E. Carmichael
Chief of Police
University of Oregon Police Department
(541) 346-2919
Anita Ahuja
Manager, Special Projects, Emergency Response and Ombudsperson
CA Victim Compensation Board
(916) 491-3758