QMUE 4/MDG 32 Symposia 2021
Creating and Sustaining Equitable Diverse, and Inclusive Music Learning Practices
June 29-July 1, 2021
Presented Virtually – Hosted by the University of Oregon School of Music and Dance, Music Education Area

Welcome to the 2021 Virtual QMUE 4/MDG 32 Symposia

The planning committees of QMUE 4 (4th LGBTQ Studies and Music Education Symposium) and MDG 32 (32nd May Day Group Colloquium) announce a reimagined virtual summer symposia. This collaborative summer research symposia will feature research presentations and discourse around equitable, diverse, and inclusive music learning practices. We hope by bringing these two communities together that our work around justice and equity can have further reach and scope.

We are excited to present 3 days of programming. Participants will have opportunities to access both symposia through one registration. See the schedule page for details.

Registration is now open, please plan to register soon.

About QMUE

In 2010, 2012, and 2016, LGBTQ Studies and Music Education Symposia I, II, & III brought together students, teachers, college faculty, and researchers to discuss relevant research, theory, and practice from an LGBTQ perspective (see papers from 2010, 2012 and 2016).

The purpose of these ongoing symposia is to encourage, promote, and disseminate discourse regarding the intersections of LGBTQ topics and music education. In this fourth symposium, we seek to further explore how LGBTQ interests operate within music education in terms of research, curriculum, teacher preparation, and the musical lives and careers of LGBTQ music students and teachers.