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Interactive session on which are the underlying factors of cultural, geographical and policy aspects and how to integrate them in CCAM design and policy implementation

CCAM solutions face a significant challenge characterized by decreased societal demand due to their difficulty in effectively conveying their advantages within existing mobility systems and adapting to the diverse environments where citizens live, work, and conduct their daily activities. On this panel, we reflect how cultural, geographical and policy aspects affect CCAM solutions towards fair and accessible mobility in European regions. The discussion will focus on the exploration of the challenges and barriers hindering the effectiveness of CCAM in relation to the above-mentioned aspects.


Anna Anund Anna Anund, VTI

Anna Anund is an Associate Professor at Linköpings University and has a Phd in Medicine from Karolinska Institutet. Her research is about traffic safety, especially in relation to humans in the transport system. She is involved in studies about driver fatigue , driver support systems, HMI, autonomus vehicles/shuttles and how to design a system with the user in the centre.

Guido Di Pasquale Guido Di Pasquale, PAVE Europe

Rebecca Marsden Rebecca Marsden, OXA

Edwin Mermans Edwin Mermans, Province of Noord-Brabant

Edwin Mermans is senior advisor international affairs at the Department of Mobility and Infrastructure from the Province of Noord-Brabant and process manager of the European ‘New Mobility Services’ initiative as part of the European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities. Furthermore he is working on the Trans-European Transport Network, Mobility as a Service, Smart & Green Mobility and Sustainable Urban Mobility ambitions of the region. He has experience in a wide range of European programmes and networks. He is fascinated by the role of governments in dealing with societal challenges by building multi helix learning ecosystems using design-thinking concepts.

Dimitrios Milakis Dimitrios Milakis, DLR

With an engineering background that evolved to transport geography, planning, and policy, my research explores the nexus between transport innovations and societal dynamics. I adopt a socio-technical perspective that places societal actors at the heart of innovation. Through an in-depth exploration of societal acceptance, societal implications, and governance of transport innovations, I aim for socially constructed innovations beyond the techno-operational emphasis prevalent in in scholarly and professional practice.

Stella Nikolaou Stella Nikolaou, CERTH

Stella Nikolaou is a Human Factors expert and Research Associate at the Hellenic Institute of Transport since 2003. She has been involved in more than 20 national and European research projects since 1996, mainly leading/ supporting the technical implementation. Her main research focus includes road safety research with emphasis on automation and connectivity, human factors impact studies and interaction concepts, driver state monitoring, as well as policy recommendations and roadmaps on “smart mobility”. She is the Scientific Manager of the recently funded EU project Diversify-CCAM focusing on integrating diversification aspects in CCAM design and development to foster mobility equality.

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