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University of Oregon University of Oregon
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Designing car-low cities

Increasing housing density and decreasing space for transport infrastructure and private parking are threatening the sustainable accessibility and livability of urban regions. There is an urgent need for space-efficient new mobility technologies that do not depend on the single use and possession of a private car. A key-question to be answered is: “What is the optimal mix of interventions given the different objectives of cities?” During this workshop we will identify different objectives and key-performance indicators and co-design a car-low urban area in Amsterdam using an interactive digital twin approach.


Tom Kuipers Tom Kuipers, AMS


Azarakhsh Salem Azarakhsh Salem, TU Delft

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Maaike Snelder Maaike Snelder, TNO and TU Delft

Maaike Snelder is principal scientist at TNO and associate professor at the Department of Transport and Planning, Civil Engineering at the Delft University of Technology. Maaike (co)-leads large research projects in the Netherlands such as SUMMALab and XCARCITY and several other large projects focusing on the design of future mobility systems and the development of next generation traffic and transport models. Maaike completed her PhD research about robust road network design in 2010 (Cum Laude) and completed her study Econometrics in 2003

Bart van der Poel Bart van der Poel, TNO

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