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Tech for humanity: Co-creating tech-enhanced livable cities

Vienna is known as the most livable city in the world. Mobility and public transport, the transition to renewable energy as well as re-imagining re-creational areas are important aspects of livability. We would like to focus on those 3 aspects and highlight how technology and participative methods complement each other to design livable urban futures. We would also like to facilitate the exchange among participants on these 3 topics focusing on success stories as well as challenging aspects. The results will be documented in order to distribute learnings and take-aways to participants after the conference.


Cornelia Bründlinger Cornelia Bründlinger, Wiener Stadtwerke

Stefan Kreihsler Stefan Kreihsler, Upstream - next level mobility GmbH

Head of Data Science at Upstream Mobility; Product Owner & Business Analyst Österreichische Post AG; Bachelor Degree in Business, Masters Degree in Macro-Economics; Mobility Expert, Design Thinking Expert; Expert in Emerging Technologies & Data Visualization

Verena Kuen Verena Kuen, 1030 Innovation

CEO 1030 Innovation Consulting; Highly experienced in Innovation Consulting projects in Urban Development, Renewable Energy, Real Estate Development and Mobility; Lecturer at WU (University of Economics) in Vienna (Design Thinking, Business Model Innovation) and at GSAAP at Columbia NYC (Design Thinking for planners); Specialized in Co-Creation, participative methods and community building; member of the APA Trend Scouting Community, Board Member at CEOs for Future, CMO at the energy start-up Oktosol Technologies (www.oktosol.com); Servicing tech firms in innovation & change projects (such as Apple, Microsoft, T-Systems, Google, Wien Energie IT) with a focus on emerging technologies;

Marika Püspök Marika Püspök, Wiener Stadtwerke

Ana-Maria Salcu Ana-Maria Salcu, 1030 Innovation Consulting

Head of Co-Creation at 1030 Innovation Consulting; Anthropologist; Masters in International Development; experienced in innovation projects in the areas of mobility, renewable energy & city development with a strong focus on technology and participative methods; expert in community building; NGO experience; vast experience in ethnographic research - AI-enabled & AI-supported innovation development; worked on a variety of consulting projects with leading tech companies, such as T-Systems, Apple, Google & Microsoft;

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