Urbanism Next
University of Oregon University of Oregon
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The Triumphs and the Tribulations of Shared Micromobility & Public Transport integration

Shared micromobility (bikes, scooters, mopeds,...) has become commonplace in many urban areas the world over. Yet their usage pattern and impact on the transport system as a whole remains in question. Preliminary results seem to suggest that they compete with other active modes and local/short distance public transport trips, and complement longer distance public transport. In this session, we will present findings about their potential contribution to public transport, attitudes that drive or inhibit the use of such services and discuss the qualitative aspects of shared micromobility and the broader impact on mobility, accessibility, equity, public space etc.


Hussein Al-Tamimi Hussein Al-Tamimi, Dutch Railways (NS)


Nejc Geržinič Nejc Geržinič, TU Delft

Mark van Hagen Mark van Hagen, Dutch Railways (NS)

Niels van Oort Niels van Oort, Delft University of Technology

Niels van Oort (1978), the conference chair of Urbanism Next 2024, works as an associate professor Public Transport and Shared Mobility at Delft University of Technology and is co-director of the Smart Public Transport Lab. He has been involved in public transport projects and research for over 20 years. His main fields of expertise are public transport planning and data-driven design, with special interest in the passenger perspective, multimodality and societal impact. Learn more about his research, courses and (media) exposure via https://nielsvanoort.weblog.tudelft.nl/

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