Urbanism Next
University of Oregon University of Oregon
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Electrification of The Mobility in the Urban Environment: Challenges and Opportunities

Location: Room - Diamond

Practitioners and policy makers often work in silos and don’t interact/collaborate or even understand the problems of the others involved in electrification of the mobility sector. In this session, key stakeholders involved in the e-mobility topic, namely: public authorities, utility company, research and policy advice are in our panel. They will discuss challenges and opportunities in the light of increasing EV fleet in the coming years and the sense of urgency to (re-)design e-charging in a smart way and to avoid blackouts in the grid, while minimizing the need to invest on large scale grid upgrade.


Yashar Araghi Dr.Yashar Araghi, Senior Scientist and Research Lead, TNO

Yashar Araghi is a senior scientist at TNO (Dutch applied research organisation) and holds a PhD from the Delft University of Technology on quantitative assessments methods of environmental policies in the transport sector. His main area of expertise is in understanding user behaviour and preferences regarding different modalities in the transport sector. He has published several peer reviewed academic articles on how people make choices when it comes to sustainability in the transport sector and also has worked on several projects regarding the electrification of the road transport.

Eelco de Vink Eelco de Vink, Area Director Energy Transition Region South Holland, Stedin

Wijnand Veeneman Dr.Wijnand Veeneman, Dr., Delft University of Technology

Wijnand Veeneman is Associate Professor on Governance of Infrastructure at Delft University of Technology. He is Scientific Director for six major Dutch infrastructure managers on cross sectoral governance questions. His research focuses on how infrastructure decisions form the (urban) space and flow, constrain development, direct transitions. Making the place we live better, including how to get there, by deciding about that differently, that is the big question I'm focusing on. And proud member of the Organising Committee of Urbanism Next Europe.

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