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Laetitia Dablanc
Plenary Speaker
City Logistics and E-Commerce: New Trends and Impacts on Cities

Location: Room - Ballroom

E-commerce is transforming urban lifestyles. Supported by sophisticated logistics services, it is reshaping urban landscapes and street design through goods flow, vehicles and logistics hub developments it sets in motion. Ecommerce and logistics play a key role in the challenges of the fifteen-minute city. After presenting the main metrics of e-commerce deliveries in cities, Dr. Dablanc will look at trends, impacts and solutions focusing on specific cases in cities such as Barcelona or Paris, insisting on new opportunities for data as well as on policy innovations.


Laetitia Dablanc Laetitia Dablanc, Logistics City Chair, University Gustave Eiffel

Laetitia Dablanc, an urban planner, is Professor at the University Gustave Eiffel in Paris where she heads the Logistics City Chair. She leads the Young Initiative of the World Conference of Transport Research Society and is a member of MetroFreight, an international network of research on urban freight. Her areas of research are freight transportation, freight and the environment, urban freight and logistics, freight policies, spatial issues related to logistics. She received a PhD in transportation planning from Ecole des Ponts-ParisTech, and a Master's degree in city and regional planning from Cornell University. She was initially trained in policy analysis and economics at Science Po Paris. Dr. Dablanc has authored or co-authored numerous publications on freight transportation. She regularly participates in scientific, institutional and business meetings as well as in the media on freight transportation and logistics. She is a member of ARPE's stakeholders Council in France.

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