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Julia Friedlander
Plenary Speaker
Driverless Vehicle Vision & Reality: A View from San Francisco Streets

Location: Room - Ballroom


Julia Friedlander Julia Friedlander, Senior Manager: Automated Driving Policy, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA)

Julia Friedlander's career in public infrastructure, policy, and law in New York and San Francisco has centered on transformational policy, regulatory and social change. These included the HIV public health crisis, deregulation of telecommunications markets at the dawn of the broadband age, LGBT civil rights and marriage equality movements, and restructuring of San Francisco transportation governance to support multi-modal use of public streets. She served as General Counsel to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency for 11 years and - after a sojourn outside transportation - returned to the SFMTA to focus on federal, state and local policy on automated driving.

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