Urbanism Next
University of Oregon University of Oregon
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Integrating Shared Mobility and Transit to Enhance Our Cities

Location: Room - Emerald II

Emerging technology is affecting our mobility landscape. Two emerging concepts, “Public Mobility” and “Bus Rapid Transit”, are changing policy and design in our cities. Using technology to upgrade transit and to integrate shared mobility will help to improve the effectiveness of public transport, not only regarding accessibility, but maybe even more regrading efficient land use in cities, equity and sustainability. We focus on multiple aspects, such as governance, data and design in this session, from both research and practice perspective. The audience will be involved via interactive workshop methods and an interactive panel discussion with experts from Netherlands and Belgium.


Dirk Grevink Dirk Grevink, Policy advisor, Ministry of Transport (I and W)

Espen Strand Henriksen Espen Strand Henriksen, Head of Mobility and Business Development, Kolumbus

Kolumbus is one of the pioneers in public mobility in the Nordics and Europe, and Espen has been one of the protagonists ever since he joined the industry in 2015. His interest and expertise lies at the intersection of public services, private/ commercial services and the end-users. His background is in media, marketing, advertising, sales, product development and startups, and is now Head of Mobility and Business Development at Kolumbus, focusing on autonomy, shared mobility and corporate mobility. Espen is frequently talking at different mobility conferences around in Norway and Europe.

Rob van der Bijl Dr.Rob van der Bijl, Professor, University of Gent

Niels van Oort Dr.Niels van Oort, Dr., Delft University of Technology

Niels van Oort (1978), the conference chair of Urbanism Next 2024, works as an associate professor Public Transport and Shared Mobility at Delft University of Technology and is co-director of the Smart Public Transport Lab. He has been involved in public transport projects and research for over 20 years. His main fields of expertise are public transport planning and data-driven design, with special interest in the passenger perspective, multimodality and societal impact. Learn more about his research, courses and (media) exposure via https://nielsvanoort.weblog.tudelft.nl/

Jan Van selm Jan Van selm, CEO, Samenwerkingsverband DOVA

Jan van Selm (1961) studied (Legal) Public Administration in Groningen (NL) and works sinds 1988 in several functions in the policy-field of Mobility, Road Safety als Public Transport. In het role as CEO Samenwerkingsverband DOVA he serves the decentral Public Transport Authorities in the Netherlands. They work together on Public Transport en area-development, PT-data, PT-knowledge en policy-questions on ticketing en pricing, BRT, selfevident PT, etc.

Wijnand Veeneman Dr.Wijnand Veeneman, Dr., Delft University of Technology

Wijnand Veeneman is Associate Professor on Governance of Infrastructure at Delft University of Technology. He is Scientific Director for six major Dutch infrastructure managers on cross sectoral governance questions. His research focuses on how infrastructure decisions form the (urban) space and flow, constrain development, direct transitions. Making the place we live better, including how to get there, by deciding about that differently, that is the big question I'm focusing on. And proud member of the Organising Committee of Urbanism Next Europe.

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