Urbanism Next
University of Oregon University of Oregon

2023 Urbanism Next Conference

Portland, Oregon, USA
April 26-28, 2023
March 17, 2021
8:00 am
March 19, 2021
5:43 pm
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Smart Mobility Platform for Smarter Mobility - Findings from the TriMet FTA IMI Demonstration Program

Location: Oregon Convention Center - C-124

TriMet’s Smart Mobility Platform (SMP), funded under the FTA’s IMI Program, is a comprehensive data and technology platform designed to support the planning and management of high performance mobility and the Complete Trip for All. A comprehensive view into the mobility ecosystem and interworking relationships are explored through space and time with assembly of disparate datasets. Demonstrated capabilities include ODX inference from TriMet's Hop farecard in support of service planning; trends and incentives for multimodal trips; results of an AI/machine learning model; and regional performance metrics to assess how mobility quality/effectiveness improves with the implementation of new innovations.

CE Credits for APA, AIA, and ASLA, should be available for many sessions and workshops. More information on this will be available shortly.


Briana Calhoun Briana Calhoun, Fehr & Peers

Bibiana McHugh Bibiana McHugh

Bibiana has led several significant initiatives that have advanced the transit industry over the last twenty years including collaboration with Google for the first release of Google Transit; the development and adoption of the General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS); and the development of the OpenTripPlanner (OTP), a core foundation for MaaS initiatives. Bibiana is currently focused on the strategic advancement of Mobility on Demand (MOD) and Mobility as a Service (MaaS) at the local and federal level. She led the FTA MOD Sandbox Grant for TriMet and is currently leading the FTA IMI Grant.

Julien Refour Tannenbaum Julien Refour Tannenbaum, UrbanLogiq

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