Oregon Summit on Wildfire Recovery
October 30th & 31st, 2023
University of Oregon, Ford Alumni Center | Eugene, Oregon
The First Summit in Oregon to Bring Together Fire Affected Communities
Communities in Lane, Linn, Lincoln, Jackson, Clackamas, Klamath, Marion, and Douglas counties were devastated by the Labor Day wildfires of 2020. They all face years of recovery work. As we begin the fourth year of recovery from these wildfires, leaders, managers, and policymakers from across the state are gathering for this wildfire recovery summit to assess progress and learn from each other. Each affected community has approached recovery differently with varying levels of success, creating fertile ground for learning and significant opportunities to share lessons learned and improve efficiency swiftly by adjusting current practices.
Attending the Summit requires a no-cost registration. Attendance will be capped at 175 people, so please register early to secure your seat.
Summit Highlights:
- Presentation and discussion regarding Community Development Block Grant – Disaster Recovery (CDBG-DR) funding
- In depth discussion about how agencies and non-profits can work better together.
- Case studies to learn about what’s working in multiple jurisdictions
- Informal time to meet others working on recovery across the state
- Focus on opportunities for state and local policy changes to support recovery
Keynote Speaker

Marion Mollegen McFadden
Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Community Planning & Development
United States Department of Housing & Urban Development
Lane County, Oregon
University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Lane County, Oregon
University of Oregon School of Planning, Public Policy and Management
Oregon Housing and Community Services
Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Development
The Ford Family Foundation

Invitations extended to
Long Term Recovery Groups
Nonprofit Organizations
Local government staff
State legislators
Community Based Organizations
State agency staff
County Commissioners and City Councilors
Oregon Governor Kotek